Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How to maintain your Hair


1) It is not permissible for women to cut their hair. The illustrious Fuqahaa have mentioned that if a woman cuts her hair she will be sinful and worthy of curse, even in the case where her husband desires for her to do so.

وفيه : قطعت شعر رأسها أثمت ولعنت زاد في البزازية وإن بإذن الزوج لأنه لا طاعة لمخلوق في معصية الخالق ، ولذا يحرم على الرجل قطع لحيته ، والمعنى المؤثر التشبه بالرجال

(Darrul Mukhtar, Vol. 6, P. 407, HM Saeed)

The above ruling is also supported by the following Hadith:

Abdullah Ibn Amr (Radiyallahu Anhu) narrated that Rasulullah  prohibited free women from cutting their hair up to the shoulders.

عن عبد الله بن عمرو قال : « نهى رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم عن الجمة للحرة والعقيصة للأمة »

(Al-Mu'jam Al-Sagheer Li Tabraani)

2) It is not permissible for men and women to dye their hair black. Rasulullah  has said:

قال رسول الله -صلى الله عليه وسلم- « يكون قوم يخضبون فى آخر الزمان بالسواد كحواصل الحمام لا يريحون رائحة الجنة ».

"There will be people who come later in time who will apply dye that is black like the stomachs of pigeons; those people will not get to smell the fragrance of paradise."

(Sunan Abi Dawud, Vol. 2, P. 222, HM Saeed)

However, it is permissible to dye the hair any other color as long as it is not for the purpose of following modern-day fashion. It is a sunnah to use mehndi to dye the hair red.

( اختضب لأجل التزين للنساء والجواري جاز ) في الأصح ويكره بالسواد

(Darrul Mukhtar, Vol. 6, P. 756, HM Saeed)

أما بالحمرة ، فهو سنة الرجال و سيما المسلمين

(Raddul Muhtar, Vol. 6, P. 756, HM Saeed)

(Fatawa Mahmudiyya, Vol. 19, P. 454, Faruqiyya)

To apply pure black dye is not permissible. Rasulullah  said, "There will be people who will come later (in my Ummah) and apply black dye. They will not even smell the fragrance of paradise." (Abu Daawood). However, it is permissible for a Mujaahid (warrior) to apply black dye in order to give the impression of being young. (Jawahirul Fiqh vol2 pg421)

It is also permissible for one to dye his/hair black to beautify himself/herself for one’s marriage partner if he/she is young, and the hair has turned grey due to some sickness, etc.

To dye the hair any other colour besides black e.g. Mehndi or Katm (type of grass) is permissible. This was the practice of Rasulullah  and the Sahaaba (Radhiyallaahu Ánhum). (Jawahirul Fiqh vol2 pg421) (Al-Mahmood Vol.1)

However, it is prohibited to dye one’s hair especially females in colours that are used as a modern trend.

And Allah knows best


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